Cottoning on to a new trend in paid search

If you’re someone who likes their clothing to be incredibly soft and environmentally friendly, you might want to get acquainted with BAM Bamboo Clothing.

Every item of clothing sold by BAM is made from bamboo and has a positive impact on the planet – it’s not as resource-intensive as cotton.

Non-Brand Revenue


Harriet Website

“Adapt are an essential extension to our marketing team, proactively managing PPC and social advertising for BAM. They have provided valuable insights and strong ROI for these key growing channels.”

Steve Newman | Bamboo Clothing


Bamboo Clothing


Paid Search

The Challenge

Consumers are more aware than ever before of the globally negative impact of “fast fashion”. Consequently, the volume of search out there for ‘sustainable’ clothing has erupted.

Naturally, brands have… cottoned on to this trend, with the number of competitors increasing, seemingly, exponentially. BAM, understandably, needed to retain their search visibility. Quickly.

Group 2 Copy Non-Brand Revenue +130% 01
Group 2 Copy 2 Clicks +85% 02 Group 3 03 Impressions +40%

How we solved it

The significant increase in search competition meant that we were fighting against a rising tide of CPCs. The strategy, therefore, was to remain visible while keeping firm control of CPCs.

Our paid search teams identified target ROAS bidding as the way to achieve our goal – this Smart Bidding strategy allowed us to target the right user at exactly the right time in their conversion journey.

The uplift was immediate. And with ROAS increasing, we were able to expand the list of keywords in our campaigns to reach a far larger audience and scale in a cost-effective way.


Non-Brand Revenue






Their Results

Due to how well we were able to scale the activity with a wider keyword set we saw (vs 2019)...

“Adapt are an essential extension to our marketing team, proactively managing PPC and social advertising for BAM. They have provided valuable insights and strong ROI for these key growing channels.”

Steve Newman | Bamboo Clothing