About a month ago, SearchStar became one of only a handful of Google-Certified Shopping Service (CSS) Partners in the UK.

Simply put, that means that by purchasing their Google shopping advertising through our Comparison Shopping Site, our partners can effectively save 20% of spend, plus an additional rebate of 20-30%.

If you think that sounds too good to be true, you can get the low down on CSS here...

Google CSS: 1 Month Results

When we started offering Google Comparison Shopping as a service, no one was certain what the returns would look like for our clients. The offer was so good, even we were a little sceptical about the end result.

However, it quickly became clear that Google’s promises of 20% lower CPCs weren’t fictitious; where bids have remained the same, our clients are seeing a 20% boost in position, resulting in a return on advertising spend (ROAS) far in excess of expected figures.

The figures below, while anonymised, are a direct month-on-month comparison of the Google Shopping campaign of one of our clients.

1st - 15th July 2018 - Shopping Campaigns Only (Google Shopping)

1st - 15th August 2018 - Shopping Campaigns Only (CSS Shopping)

As described above, while the average CPC remained more or less consistent, we’ve seen considerable uplifts to clicks, CTR and conversion value as a result of switching the account over to comparison shopping.

The headline statistic, however, is that month-on-month ROAS is up a phenomenal 59%, which has made our client very happy indeed:

“We’ve been delighted with Search Star’s work on CSS, seeing vastly improved performance and reduced cost - it simply doesn’t get better than that!
“We had heard about the EU ruling against Google in the shopping sphere but didn’t know how that would affect us, until Mike and Harry ran us through the background and the opportunity. We took their advice, signed up and away we went. It’s early days, but the results have been beyond our expectations.”

An Opportunity

The use of CSSs is proliferating quickly as more businesses advertising in Google Shopping cotton on to the remarkable savings that can be made by purchasing their media through a comparison site.

Of course, there's no obligation to use CSSs under the EU ruling. However, you may find that you will have to start spending more to maintain your current ad position, and the returns that come with it, as more and more of your competitors make the switch.

To talk about how you can take advantage of our CSS immediately, call the team on 01225 58 38 38 or email css@search-star.co.uk today.