Nurturing business growth with a full-funnel approach

All parents know that choosing the best childcare option for them and their family can be stressful, time-consuming and fraught with challenges.

Toddle is an Australia-based childcare centre search and comparison platform. They help parents find the right early learning and care centre for them and their children.



Harriet Website

“The team at Toddle all enjoy working with Harriet, Sophie and the team at Adapt so much. The professionalism, can do attitude and helpfulness is outstanding. Adapt is having a very positive impact in all our interactions and adding huge value for Toddle. Thank you so much.”

Arthur Charlaftis | Toddle




Paid Search

The Challenge

Toddle wanted a partner to help them drive ROI events to their paying customers at a local level through search and social performance marketing. And at a competitive CPA. Enquiries, in particular, were coming in at far too high a price.

Group 2 Copy 2 Enquiry Uptick +333% 01
Group 3 02 Conversion Rate +104% Group 9 High-Value Enquiries +122% 03

How we solved it

Laying solid foundations, we restructured Toddle's search campaigns, deploying our best practice approach to paid search. This enabled us to refine bottom of the funnel activity, capturing and converting those actively searching for childcare in their local area.

Given the importance of appearing local when searching for childcare, we adopted a geo-targeted approach for our campaigns, ensuring each suburb was covered with location-specific, highly tailored ads.

At the same time, we introduced a full-funnel paid social strategy to drive brand awareness, new customer acquisition and, ultimately, enquiries to paying centres. This enabled us to deliver tailored messaging at all touchpoints of a parent’s journey from discovery to enrolling their child into a centre.


High-Value Enquiries


Conversion Rate


Cost per Enquiry


Their Results

Working with their new website structure, we were able to achieve huge growth in enquiry volume while simultaneously improving efficiency, increasing conversion rate and bringing down CPA.

“The team at Toddle all enjoy working with Harriet, Sophie and the team at Adapt so much. The professionalism, can do attitude and helpfulness is outstanding. Adapt is having a very positive impact in all our interactions and adding huge value for Toddle. Thank you so much.”

Arthur Charlaftis | Toddle